WEGO Health Award Nomination

This isn't my typical blog post - today is a little different. I wanted to share some exciting news! I was nominated for a WEGO Health Award for best in show blog. WEGO Health is a company that connects the healthcare industry with Patient Leaders. Patient Leaders are people like me who share our experiences, our feelings, and continually fight to raise awareness. The mission of WEGO is to empower our voice so that is why all these awards were created. There are 16 award categories so to be nominated for one is so exciting! Winning this award would mean so much to me, it will help raise awareness by getting this blog out. The whole reason why I started this blog was to share my experiences and feelings and just get people to understand more of what someone goes through. I wanted to raise awareness. Before I was diagnosed I didn't really know a lot about all of the auto-immune conditions and all the invisible illnesses. I wish I could have been more educated and that there would have been more awareness made available. I used to never think about how going to a restaurant can be difficult for someone in a wheelchair until I was in a wheelchair. I have stepped out of my comfort zone with these blogs and will continue to do so. I try not to hide anything and try to be as open and honest as I can. I have had this blog for about a year now and I can't believe all that has changed with me. Writing this blog has not only helped raise awareness but it also helps me. It was sometimes easier to just bottle it up and pretend everything was fine. This gives me an outlet to share my feelings and experiences. As always I hope someday there is a cure but for now I will continue to write and raise awareness. Thank you so much for all of you who take the time to read my blog. It means so much and without you I wouldn't have been nominated for this award. Thanks for commenting and sharing my blogs also! As you may notice there is a WEGO badge in the top left corner. If you click that it will take you directly to the webpage where you can endorse me! The top 3 with the most endorsements move on to the next round. So it would mean so much if you would take the time and do that. Thank you!

These awards and nominations are a celebration for all of the bloggers, tweeters, and posters who are sharing their own healthcare journey in the hopes of bettering the lives of others. So, I also encourage you to recognize and nominate other Patient Leaders within the "invisible illness" community for their endless efforts and advocacy work!

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18


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