The Blessing House
As I have started posting some pictures of our new house on social media people kept wanting to know more and I thought it may be easier to just write a blog about how this all started. As some of you know we are moving this fall, and if you didn't know, well now you do. Some of you also know how this dream all started and some do not. You may be thinking - how does this house have anything to do with your chronic illness. Well it actually has a lot to do with this dream and how everything all started. Let's rewind back to last year before school started. Our associate pastor talked to my mom about this dream she had. She said this verse "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27. She just felt like God was telling her to do something to help us. We lost Dad and then our current house was becoming difficult for me to continue living in with my...