
Showing posts from February, 2019

I moved my blog :)

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading all my blogs I truly appreciate it! I moved over to a website! Visit it here I decided to blog more about fashion and finding affordable finds! It will give me something to do while I can rest on the couch! I am so excited to do this! Good news is all of my blog posts were able to move over to the new website! Again thank you all for your continued support! I will keep blogging about chronic illness but over on that website. xo, Abby

76 days

76 days 1824 hours 109440 minutes is how long I have been dealing with this low-grade temperature and honestly right now there is no end in sight. I have had these low grade temperatures before. A low grade temperature is technically anything (98.8-100.4 and lasts for more than 24 hours). I have had these on and off for quite a while -  some were happening before I got really sick - like that brief period I was in college but then it would go away. So my doctors are assuming that my body was already going to trigger whatever auto immune thing this is; but when I got the cellulitis it really woke up! Since 2016 after I was in the hospital I would get low grade temps normally not anything above 100 and it would only last 2-3 days at max. Then this summer in July I had one that lasted for 3 weeks and went a bit above 100 so we went to the doctor and did a lot of blood tests and everything came back fine or low positive, not enough to diagnose anything. August-October it was startin...