Feeling Lost

It has been way too long since I have done a blog. There have been so many topics that I have been wanting to blog about I have been almost too overwhelmed to sit down and write one. I kept pushing it off. Life has been a little hectic since moving into the new house and my body going into another flare up, but with that being said, today I finally found time to sit down and write. So, last month (November) I didn't have any doctor appointments scheduled (crazy I know) so I set a goal to stay out of the doctor's office the whole month! Which I did and I was very proud of that. I missed the "normalcy" of not having to go to the doctor all the time. There was one week I almost had to go in because I wasn't feeling good and it wasn't clearing up but then thankfully it did and I didn't have to go in. Then I turned the calendar over and in December I have doctor appointments galore! My doctor appointments seem to be on the same schedule 3 months or 6 month...