I am a Spoonie

My name is Abby and I am a Spoonie. That is a new introduction I can use now, unfortunately. My fatigue is intense and very real. This is a term that many people with chronic illness use. I remember one day I was wishing there was a way I could explain how little energy I have every single day. I stumbled upon the spoon theory by Christine Miserendino's, her and her friend were eating and she was trying to explain to her friend how little energy she has and how quickly it gets used. So she grabbed the spoons on the table and started explaining. I remember after reading her article I was relieved that there was finally a simple way to somewhat explain to other people. I also found out in the chronic pain/illness 'community' people use the word spoonie all the time or they use the hashtag #spooniesunite. I have always been so scared to use those words and hashtags on social media not because I was embarrassed but because I felt people wouldn't understand. I want to try to...